Radiohead : How to Disappear Completely
Initially, I didn't like this song that much. After all the excitement generated by "The National Anthem" it seemed like a let down. But over time, I have grown to love this track for many reasons. I like the backstory that goes with the song. Supposedly, R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe told Thom Yorke repeat to himself "I'm not here and this isn't happening" when he was upset. It also references a gig where the equipment went haywire ("Strobe lights and blown speakers"), showing that Radiohead are perfectionists, which I think makes their music better overall. They refuse to release substandard work and continue pushing themselves to make better music. Plus, Yorke makes the best use of his falsetto on this song, along with some more horns and Ondes Martenot (which sounds like the sad ending of all the hysteria in the previous track). This justifies once again why Radiohead is such an important band.
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