Jan 23, 2013

A Morning at Work

 It's not always fun to be at work, but having music along can really help the day go by. I created this playlist of old and new songs based mainly around the guitar. It has a few moods that I usually go through during the day. It starts and ends with The Fall. And yes, an budget espresso machine and a $7 usb turntable on the desk can really help the day go by as well.


Unknown said...

You know I find it quite difficult to find someone who has a taste in music like my own... I mean who out there could possibly love Radiohead more then me??
Or could possibly be so diverse? from an obscure band named Verbena to old '80s Dead or Alive all the way to M83...
Only Fitter Hans I'm guessing! You know I used to know of a sweet site he used to run with another cool cat named Melatoni...
:) I wonder if those two still have a love for the Yorke... Though "I might be wrong"!

Fitter Hans said...

Good memories! Rain Down Industries, now and forever.