Lead singer Travis Morrison contemplates the fact that if computers can make our life easier, could they someday be connected to us? "If they can make machines to save us labor / Someday they'll do our hearts the very same favor / The wails of ruined lives brought to a halt" but by connecting "Red wire: right temple / Black wire: left temple" could this be washed away? Could human emotions be overruled by logic? Or would it destroy who we really are? Do we know when emotions are controlling us more than when our mind and thinking faculties are? What makes human so vulnerable to brooding over past upsets and not being able to forget? A machine can just delete information that has become irrelevant and move on. Sometimes it would be nice if we could just wipe it clean too. "Someday, I'm telling you / They'll make a memory machine / To wax our hearts to a blinding sheen / To wash away the grief"